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a sustainable and seasonal restaurant with a view





Why sustainable?

It is not the beautiful views that are lacking in this world but rather the restaurants to enjoy them. A restaurant offering such a view should not spoil the exceptional location that welcomes it. This means recycling its waste, rationing and filtering water and having for ultimate goal to produce its own energy.

why seasonal?

To discover new exceptional views and terroirs wherever the restaurant arises. The structure has therefore been designed to be set up in less than a week at any location (sea, countryside, city).

Why focusing on Local producers?

Because it is necessary to celebrate the terroirs and the local producers who work responsibly and with love. Offer a creative local farm-to-table cuisine carried by chefs, in residence for a few weeks or months, who are driven by the beautiful, the good and the sustainable.


 the restaurant


The location

ventrus with a view

The world is full of breathtaking views. Restaurants to enjoy them are far too rare. What if we created the first restaurant that innovates by unfolding anywhere, minimizing any impact on the environment?
The restaurant is open to the public in the Parc de la Villette in Paris along the beautiful Canal de L’Ourcq.

The structure

A nomadic cabin

The wooden structure built and designed in France, carries the spirit of the tree houses of our childhood. A spirit of lightness, mobility, adaptable to all kinds of configuration. Its easy assembly-disassembly gives it the freedom necessary for our future dreams.

Bureau d’études Orégon

Bureau d’études Orégon


the kitchen


executive chef



Emmanuel Perrodin, 44, historian by training, chef at 30, went through different tables before officiating as a chef in the kitchens of Relais 50 on the Vieux-Port in Marseille.

Co-founder of Oeuvres Culinaires Originales, former president of the Conservatoire International des Cuisines Méditerranéennes (CICM) and member of Gourméditerranée. He published the book Les dîners insolites.


resident chefs

Never settle for the boring. Our chefs, young or more experienced, will offer a creative twist on locally sourced vegetables, fruits, dairy, fish or meat.












the food

the producers

And if we set camp for a season in the middle of Nature, we shouldn’t hurt it and work with people who take care of it as well. That is why wherever ventrus avec vue goes, we meet with independent producers to source the best local produce grown organically and with love.



de mars

house of pain

les agneaux d’ÉMILIE





Towards zero impact

The restaurant has to be virtuous in how it runs. Do more with less. Less water but also cleaner water, recycled. Less polluting machines and a careful recycling of waste.

We want to limit our footprint with the ultimate objective of ZERO IMPACT.

Waste management

Plastic and glass will be carefully recycled through existing solutions. We go a little further by recycling every organic waste in reverse logistics with local farmers (organic waste can be used for compost and feeding animals).

not a drop of water wasted

We’ve contracted 2 start-up companies Inovaya (water treatment and eco-sytem) and Weco (autonomous toilets) to lower drastically our water consumption and have zero waste. We are able to save 80% of water consumption vs a traditional restaurant and use the cleaned water to grow plants we can use in the kitchen.


The Inovaya solution allows us to treat all grey waters (fat and non-fat) by electro-galvanized glass filters followed by active carbon treatment. After treatment, the grey waters become clean and can be used for non-food usage (cleaning the restaurant and watering plants)

Solution Inovaya

Solution Inovaya


The production of black water is avoided thanks to the Weco autonomous toilets. These toilets operate by closed loop through an electrolysis treatment. Sedimented matter (sludge) is cleaned with the grease from the grease tray when the restaurant is moved. The system proposed by Weco does not require any connection. If it needs to be emptied, it will be supplied with recycled gray water.

Toillettes autonomes Weco

Toillettes autonomes Weco